Nike SB Zoom Stefan Mid Commercial

It’s obvious to suggest Nike Dunks Shoes Omar Salazar as Nike SB’s resident ‘space case’, what with his notoriously unconventional demeanor and astronaut-themed signature sneaker. But when you will locate on this new promo movie for the Nike SB Nike Dunk SB Zoom Stefan Janoski Mid, its namesake rider has an unconventional believed or two in his wildly innovative ideas as well.

And that is what you’d expect when Nike Dunk higher expert SB somebody has time to reflect upon himself, a individual and artistic growth that extends equally the reduce of his sig and into the commercial for which he skated, composed the audio tracks and produced the stop-motion animation. The last of that record provides a visual interpretation of Nike Dunk higher Premium SB Skunk why a midtop Janoski provides superb value to key skaters so click through to see it in its entirety and stick with sneakergreat for all the upcoming Nike SB Zoom Stefan Janoski Mid colorways.
Par enlin le jeudi 07 avril 2011


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